
Healthy and radiant skin for a longtime, strong bones for a lifetime!

I started to take vitamins again since new year and let me tell you that I did notice a difference! I'm really not a early bird and getting up early in the morning (around 6-7am) is very very very hard for me. Very hard. =P But since I take my vits, I feel more energized and it's less of a pain waking up in the morning. Now, if I could gain some extra pounds too, it would be great! Yes, you read it right, GAIN some pounds :) And I chose the one for woman because of the fact that it has more calcium and vitamin D. Prevention of osteoporosis must start young and not when you're 50!


  1. :) haha This is cool. I take a lot of vitamins! It does make a huge difference!

  2. Maybe I need to start taking some vitamins then for the Vitamin D and Calcium.

  3. It's always a good idea to have a daily calcium intake! =)

  4. You want to *gain* pounds?  Can I have that problem?  XD 

    I love how disciplined you are w/ your vitamins!  I haven't been taking mine due to laziness and instead just eating more fruits and

  5. I started taking multivitamins last year and too have noticed a difference in the way i feel and my energy levels. Good stuff!

  6.  LOL! I know it's weird for wanting to gain pound but I'm so freaking tiny for my age! I think that I'm a little bit underweight for my age and height, but the doctor doesn't seem to be worried but still.. it's not fun to shop with such a petite size!

  7. good idea to take vitamins! Here they have drinking solutions in Japan... BB drinks haha


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